The Prince and the Honest Girl English Story

The Prince and the Honest Girl Story in English

The Prince and the Honest Girl  English Story 

This story is a prince Clariant a  handsome wise young men his father the  king was proud of him and consulted him  on all matters of the kingdom this day  two important decisions were to be made  why don't you marry her she is the  daughter of a powerful King father I'm  not going to marry someone just because  she is a princess then what other  quality are you looking for in a wife  the one quality that every other good  thing depends on the one quality that  every other good thing depends on sire  the Prime Minister wishes to see you as  sentiment     why do you wish to retire you have been  the Prime Minister ever since my father  ruled here son  you tell us where will we find the man  as knowledgeable and as dedicated as him  father I have learned from him that  knowledge can be acquired dedication and  all good things depend on this one  quality the most important quality of  all what quality do you keep talking  about I have a plan  the Prince gave the king and the Prime  Minister an idea as to how to select an  able prime minister for the kingdom  accordingly an announcement was made in  the kingdom the following day the  Honorable Prime Minister of our kingdom  is retiring the King invites all those  who wish to apply for the post of Prime  Minister - please be present at the  palace two days from today at the break  of dawn His Royal Highness our King has  set a test for them wonder what the King  has in mind being the Prime Minister is  not easy it requires so much dedication  and knowledge more than dedication on  knowledge being the Prime Minister  requires love for one's country and its  people  it requires the tenderness of a father  and the fairness of a judge and all of  this comes from just one quality tiara  if you think you know so much about  being the Prime Minister who I don't you  apply and tiara did apply two days later  she was at the palace with ten more  people the Prince spoke to all of them I  speak to you on behalf of my father you  would all agree becoming a prime  minister requires dedication and  knowledge but more than that it requires  love for one's country and its people  it requires the tenderness of a father  and the fairness of a judge so His Royal  Highness has set a test for all of you  here is a basket of corn and bean seeds  collect the seeds from it you will all  be given a patch in different parts of  the Palace Gardens where you shall plant  these seeds and ensure they grow into  healthy crops you will not be allowed to  take any help in the task the way you  tend to your garden will show your  dedication your tenderness and loving  care at the end of one month we shall  select the best garden and the person it  belongs to will be our next prime  minister  so all the applicants for the post of  the Prime Minister tended to their  gardens with great care and within a  week plants began to show in all the  gardens except one tiaras  why does nothing grow in my garden have  I done something wrong  tiara kept trying her best the month  passed and it was the day of the final  inspection and selection all Gardens  looked beautiful and healthy except  tiaras there was still no sign of a  chute or a plant in it the prince and  the King arrived they looked at all the  gardens and finally came to Tiaras  single shoot I am sorry Uranus I did try  my best I have not been able to grow  anything the king and the prince walked  off without saying anything further and  it was time to announce the winner on  behalf of His Royal Highness I announce  the winner of this task our next prime  minister ms tiara Campbell before you  were asked to take the seeds I had said  that becoming a prime minister requires  hard work and knowledge what I did not  tell you was that each and every one of  these values comes from just one  principle the principle of honesty  because the person who is not honest  cannot be dedicated cannot be truly  loving nor can he or she be fair to  anybody the seeds that we had given all  of you were dead they were not supposed  to sprout a single chute or a single  root that you had a lush healthy crop  shows that you have heated just to  impress His Highness  only one person has done the task with  honesty and integrity and that is tiara     this is not fair  we still have grown healthy Gardens yes  yes we are sorry your highness when we  saw nothing growing on our patches we  thought we had done something wrong and  hadn't gotten new seeds  Theora was the only one who had the  courage to continue the task as per the  rules even if it meant running the risk  of failure  she alone deserves to be the prime  minister  yes sir alone deserves to be the prime  minister TR alone deserves to be the  Prime Minister Prime Minister I wish to  take your advice on an important matter  my father wishes for me to marry what do  you think would you pick me for a  husband if you could I hardly know you  your highness  and I cannot marry someone just because  he's a prince that is what I keep  telling father I cannot marry someone  just because she is a princess well as  you may have guessed the prince and  tiara seemed to have lots in common they  thought alike and they both valued  honesty more than anything else and  therefore they respected each other and  became best friends     
