An Unkept Promise Story hindi story

An Unkept Promise Story

An Unkept Promise Story hindi story

once upon a time when Japan was still    young there lived in a little village a    man by the name of Hisashi he was kind    and young but life had been unfair to    him and thus he was very poor he had to    work very hard for his living during the    days when the Sun shone well but when    winter came he would find very little    work and would sometimes starve terribly    one day when he was out walking in the    cold wind he came upon a crane lying in    the snow    what is that Oh a crane today seems to    be lucky I can make a soup out of it    YUM but when he looked closer he saw how    lovely the crane was and his heart was    taken by its beauty I I cannot cook this    crane it looks so beautiful    oh what's that it's wing as hurt hmm    what can I do and from out of his bag he    pulled out a balm to heal the crane with    it was made out of many special herbs in    the land here you go a little crane    let's fix that wing of yours oh don't    move Italy sting a little but we'll fix    you in a minute    and just as he said the crane soon    started to flap its wing it didn't feel    the pain anymore and now looked at its    Savior his saw she smiled at it and the    crane slept both its wings and flew away    well I guess I go hungry today too now    let's go home    that night while Hisashi was fast asleep    the winds outside grew stronger and    stronger after some time he was woken up    by the sound of knocking but what must    be the wind but the knocking only    continued and started to get louder    Hisashi now felt worried this noise    doesn't sound like the wind at all what    if it's a thief I must go and check it    who's who's there I asked for your name    fine let's just open the door and when    he opened he was shocked to see a    beautiful woman standing outside in the    blistering cold she had a huge bag with    her which she had put down beside her    hey no are you okay come inside fast the    woman made no sound and just fell into    his arms weakly oh dear her body is as    cold as ice she must be so weak    I'll bring the bag in later so Hisashi    carried the woman to his room and tucked    her in his warm bed there now you'll be    warm hungry and cold    a beautiful stranger in my home what a    weird day night he soon dropped off fast    asleep in front of the ending flame the    next morning he woke up to see the woman    sitting at his side hello my name is    sudhi I'm sorry for coming in so    suddenly last night and disturbing you    oh no it's fine how are you today were    you warm enough in your sleep    I'm very fine and my sleep was very nice    as well thank you but tell me where have    you come from    I I don't really have a home I was    wandering around in the cold when I saw    your house I don't have anywhere to stay    well why don't you stay here until you    find out where to go    also I wish I could give you something    to eat but as you can see oh that won't    be a problem the bag I had brought with    me was full of rice where is it    I've kept it in the corner over there    Tsuru took the rice and soon made a pot    of hot steamed rice for them both    Hisashi hadn't eaten for days properly    and thus wallops that whole bowl down    that was amazing    No is it fine if I stay of course so    over the days the two lived quite    happily together and as they got to know    each other more Hisashi soon fell in    love with suru    but what can I do she will never marry    someone like me but nothing wrong and    asking sue I have something I want to    ask you will you by any chance marry a    man like me yes I mean I know I'm poor    and all but wait what did you just say    yes I did    I've seen how kind and gentle you are    and I would love to marry you and from    then on guru and Hisashi lived together    as husband and wife winter soon got over    and with it so did sue roof rice sack    huzzah she started to work again but he    still got very little pay he was very    sad my dear you don't have to worry I    will give you a beautiful cloth to sell    in the market but where will I get this    cloth from I will make it but it will    take me five days to do so I will lock    myself in the room and weave the cloth    for you but you must promise me never to    enter I will come out once I am done    Hisashi was very confused but agreed    easily so that day surah went into the    room and shut herself in for five days    Hisashi didn't know what to do but    waited patiently for his wife on the    last day suru came out of the room and    held in her hands a most beautiful piece    of cloth it had flowers and birds    embroidered on it and looked fit for a    queen it looks simply beautiful how did    you do it my love Shh it's a secret    now go and sell the clock    so Hisashi went out and sold the cloth    when he came home he was in such a good    mood he met his wife and told her about    how he'd sold the cloth for a very good    son that's very nice dear with this    money I shall cook you something very    tasty this happened for some time guru    would lock herself in the room over five    days and Hisashi would wait patiently    for her but each time she came out of    the room she looked more tired than the    last time one day a friend of Hisashi    she's from the town came to visit him    they greeted each other and asked about    each other's life my wife is the most    beautiful and kind woman ever my friend    I wish you could meet her but she has    locked herself in the room what why are    you two having a fight is that she    explained about suers doings and the    friends looked amused it's strange isn't    it you are her husband and yet you don't    even know why she does that even    stranger that you don't want to find out    well I must be off now give my regards    to your secretive wife bye Sachi was    very much worried when he heard the last    few words of his friend it was true that    he never really asked his wife what she    did in that room also where does she get    that beautiful cloth from I should    definitely find out so this time he    decided to peep into the room    Tsuru had trusted her husband and    therefore never locked the door anymore    so when Hisashi opened the door he was    shocked to see not his beautiful    wife but the crane he had saved some    months back    the poor creature was plucking out its    beautiful snow-white feathers to make    the lovely claws hew suru you're a crane    what why did you break my promise and    with that    surah flapped her wings and flew out of    the window suru no wait I'm sorry    suru I'm sorry for lying to you my love    but I wanted to thank you for saving my    life that night and I really did love    you but I needed you to trust me please    stay with me I will never break any of    your promises again but suru flew high    up in the air and never returned again    his Sashi was heartbroken he had loved    you very much    and from that on never married anyone    else he would roam around looking at the    skies waiting for her to return but she    never did he had broken her trust and    Trust doesn't come with a refill once    it's gone you probably won't get it back    and if you do it will never be the same      
